Sunday 4 September 2011

Two Red Lines

Weeks after our Holy Week vacation in Bicol, I noticed some funny changes in my body. My breasts felt tender and there were emotional outbursts that I did not usually have. Perhaps I was just stressed at work or that I  was just having PMS. It went on like this for weeks. As I looked at my calendar and counted the days, I felt somewhat anxious to learn that the vacation we had been almost a month past and my period has not yet come. I talked to my boyfriend and we agreed to to have a pregnancy test done. He wanted to be there when I do my test.

It was after our shift. We checked in to a hotel. Soon as we got in the room, we did not waste any time and got into the business of pregnancy testing. As I dropped a sample of my urine to the slide, we anxiously waited for the lines to show. The first red line appeared and we quietly anticipated for the next window to show a line or not. There was a hushed tension in the room. It was only seconds but it felt like forever when finally the second red line appeared. Confirmed, I am pregnant!

There was a couple of seconds of silence as we let the message sink in us. When the silence was broken we both broke into a joyful laughter - we are having a  baby! I watched my boyfriend as excitement was drawn all over his face. We were in that cloud nine for minutes.

After that joyful moment, we had a serious talk about how we would handle this change and blessing. We both know that from that moment, our life will change.

We did not plan to have a baby  9 months to our relationship but not in a flicker to time did we think to get rid of the baby. Having the baby was a gift we never expected to have. It was the kind of surprise that put tears in your eyes. Now, we are no longer just two people enjoying each other's company, we are now a single entity who thinks what best things to give this new life we have received.

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